Do you have children starting school in a few days? Maybe for the first time? The Library has put up displays of '
Back to School' books in the various display areas in Youth Services. Let me mention a few of my favorite titiles.

Sending your precious one off to preschool for the first time can be quite emotional. Here are a few books that reassure them about the anxiety of being separated from Mom or Dad.
Llama, Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney. Llama Llama has separation anxiety on his first day of nursery school.
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. A whole list of worries keeps Wemberly awake the night before she starts nursery school.

Wonder what the day might be like in preschool? Read
D.W.'s Guide to Preschool. Written by Arthur's little sister, D. W. offers lots of tips on how things work in preschool.
Making friends in preschool is a new experience. Mary and Clare's friendship is tested when one is given more attention because it is her birthday in
Best, Best Friends by Margaret Chodos-Irvine.
Stop in and find books in our displays. Not sure of the start dates for public school? Check out the Scarborough School's new website for the
up-to-date calendar.