Children love pretending. They dress up as a police officier, sanitation worker, fire fighter, cook, nurse, doctor, veterinarian, to name a few. We enjoy seeing children in their costumes when they visit the Library. To spur on their imagination, we have a variety of books that talk about the different occupations.
Can you guess the occupation?
Martin’s Hats by Joan Blos; illustrated by Marc Simont, young Martin has many adventures whenever he tries on a different hat.

Photographer Margaret Miller, in
Who Uses This?, presents photographs of various objects and asks readers to guess their purpose and who uses them.
Kitten Red, Yellow, and Blue by Peter Catalanotto, Mrs. Tuttle finds homes for fourteen other colorful kittens after placing the red kitten with Dave the firefighter and the blue kitten with Francine the police officer.
Hardworking Puppies by Lynn Reiser is a rollicking read where, one by one, ten energetic puppies find important jobs as dogs who help people in different ways, including by pulling sleds and saving swimmers.
Keith Baker’s humorous story,
LMNO Peas finds busy little peas introducing their favorite occupations, from astronaut to zoologist.
New to the Library
A Day in the Life series is a new addition to the Library. Each book follows a different community workers as they describe what their typical day is like. There is doctors, nurses, day care workers, dentist, fire fighter, and more.
We have lots of other books about occupations you and your family may enjoy.
Stop in and see!