Do you brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
(You brush your teeth – sung by Raffi)
Did you know our first president, George Washington suffered all his life with problems with his teeth and worked hard to save them? Deborah Chandra & Madeleine Comora, in George Washington’s Teeth tells what really happened to George and his teeth. Hilarious, and fully illustrated by Brock Cole, history buffs, or those who find teeth brushing a bore, will find much to enjoy in this delightful romp about the father of our nation.
Pair this book with The Many Faces of George Washington: remaking a presidential icon by Carla Killough McClafferty. Though the content and language is far above the reading level of George Washington’s Teeth, the reason for selecting The Many Faces of George Washington are for the full color photographs that suggest what Washington might have looked like during various stages of his life because of the problems he had with his teeth.
In George Washington Plants a Nation by Peggy Thomas; Painting by Layne Johnson, using diaries and letters about Washington’s efforts to create a self-sufficient farm at Mount Vernon mirrored his struggle to create a free nation.
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